Dana is a wife and mother of three children ages 17, 23 and 30.  She has taught in the Archdiocese of New Orleans for thirty-one years. She most recently served as a seventh grade religion teacher and religion coordinator for a Catholic school in Mandeville, Louisiana.  Dana loves writing Catholic nonfiction, teaching, gardening and photography.  She is the author of four books.  She also blogs at "Catholic Working Mom,” and has a YouTube channel, “Deus Noster Refugium.”


For more information feel free to contact Dana at doyle.dana@rocketmail.com

Dana's other books include:

God Messaging…Will You Accept the "Friend Request?"  Inspirational Stories from One Spiritual Journey

Hope For Healing from the Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse

A Cardinal Chorus: Songs and Strategies for Teaching the Basics of Our Catholic Faith

All are available at Amazon.com.